Achieving a Sustainable Global Security

Through training and education, we endeavor to collaborate with partners in order to extend knowledge and skills to individuals to strengthen local and regional security.

Training and education for a safe environment today and the future.

Peace is threatened by cyber wars, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction and as the international community continues to face these kind of threats, through our partners FSF-IHCE is increasingly focusing to improve security through training and education among individuals for safe and secure environment.

In addition, there is a correlation between drought zones and those with low warfare. This suggests that measures to better manage water resources, for example, can help maintain peace and security through training for a safe and sevure environment.

In order to promote security, FSF-IHCE has a platform that aspires to extend knowledge and skills for a safe and secure environment and as result peace is promoted. We are also working hand in hand with decision makers to realize strategic solutions to security issues through environmental actions.


Website Under Reconstruction

We’re working on exciting updates! We are currently in the process of rebuilding and restructuring our website to align with new objectives and goals.
Thanks for your patience!

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