Post Covid-19 Urban-ism.

Corona virus (COVID-19) has marked the year 2020 with the biggest public health crises. It has threatened our lives and sadly taken away millions. Most cities globally and especially the significant ones have been disproportionally affected, placing the urban environment under the spotlight.  This has made us to rethink our beliefs about good cities and the purpose of planning. And most importantly, rethinking the urban planning is key in the post COVID-19 world. 

From the beginning of the current global pandemic Corona virus (COVID-19), urban vulnerabilities have increased and the urgency of the need to respond is intensifying. Thinking and planning about the architecture and urban design in the face of Covid-19 is crucial in looking ahead to a post pandemic world.

Planning our cities has been as a reflection of prevailing major crises. For example, the cholera epidemics in the 19th century stirred up the introduction of modern urban sanitation systems. During industrialization in Europe, the introduction of housing regulations around light and air as a measure against respiratory diseases in overcrowded slums was essential.

FSF-IHCE seeks and invites planners globally to consider the post-Corona virus future of our regions, cities and towns. To initiate and facilitate a discussion regarding planning challenges, goals and constraints as pandemics are increasingly inevitable. New planning and design approaches are essential to prevent and adapt to future crises, protect citizens and prepare for upcoming pandemics. We are aware of the ancient wisdom that a crisis is also an opportunity. We embrace the challenge to reinvent the meaning of our mission.

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